PANANTUKAN is Filipino boxing. It differs from Western boxing in that we use the hands, forearms, elbows , shoulders and head. This bare knuckle art includes sweeps, holds, foot traps, manipulations and a wide variety of strikes making it a highly effective and efficient style of boxing for self defence.

SIKARAN is Filipino Kickboxing. In Sikaran we combine Panantukan with kicks using the shins and feet. Sikaran is characterized by mobility (zoning) and great variation in the execution of kicks. We focus on training the changing of distance to be able to utilise fast and efficient kicks with the point of the shoe, heavy shin kicks or close range knees depending on where we are and what tactics we want to employ.

Doble Baston. Double stick training has many purposes in Filipino martial arts. We use it to train the tactics and techniques of how to fight with 2 weapons. It is a fantastic way to train attributes such as speed, coordination, flow. We also use it as a training enhancer for our empty hand skill as the weapon teaches the hand and everything we learn with double stick can be translated to our Panatukan and Kadena de Mano

Solo Baston. Training with sticks is an important key to unarmed training as you develop coordination, motion, strength, stamina and reaction skills. Elements that are trained are among others are strikes, blocks, disarms, locks and takedowns. In the early phases our Single Stick training is representative of any "weapon" or object we can find or access in a self defence situation. As the phases progress we add the elements of stick fighting into the mix.

DAGA means knife. Knife defence is a known specialty within the Filipino martial arts. Knife usage is very common in the Philippines and therefore they have developed unique knife defence training methods that today is taught to police and military around the world. In the beginning phases we focus on knife defence and the tactics and techniques that will help you manage an edged weapon self defence situation.

KADENA DE MANO means “Chain of Hands” and it is short fast punches and elbow strikes used in close quarter fighting. Here we train anything from set striking patterns to advanced reaction drills. Kadena De Mano is a very realistic and highly efficient self defence method that is suitable for a modern environment, especially when there’s no space to move and no way to escape.